Martha Mondays: Brie and Ham Sandwich
Posted by in FoodAna at Sweet Almond Tree chose Brie and Ham Sandwich for this week. It was definitely an easy recipe, that’s for sure. I ended up wrapping mine in parchment and putting them in the oven to heat them up and melt the cheese. I also used a ciabatta baguette, which is a little flatter and softer than the baguettes in my store, which I find nearly impossible to bite into. I thought it was fine, but not up to the complicated standard most of Martha’s recipes reach!
I felt like it just cried out for something more. Maybe a slice of tomato or a tiny bit of raspberry preserves, just something to make it interesting and different. Not that I didn’t enjoy it – I did and so did Mr. MarthaAndMe, who was raised on what his mother calls “hot ham sandwiches.”
We’re taking a break for next week, and I’ll be choosing our project for 2/27 which I will post soon.
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Yes, I agree about the bread. My baguette was hard even though I bought it freshly made. This is the first time I made it at home, and I think restaurants must use different baguettes that are softer. Either that or they warm the roll up before serving. Glad you enjoyed it though. It really is one my my favorite sandwiches to order.
I want to make this sandwich, but I think I will have to add something to it. My sister and niece leave today so now I can get back to blogging! Will post mine soon!