Salt Lick Chicken
Posted by in FoodMy June issue of Martha Stewart Living has arrived. I love the cover and I love all the grilling recipes. Summer at last! I immediately dove in and picked the Honey Brine for chicken to try out.
I boiled water, honey and salt. Hmm, those ingredients seemed a little plain-Jane to me, but I gave Martha the benefit of the doubt. I brined 8 boneless chicken breasts for two hours. Trying to be clever, I thought I would make 8 and use the leftovers to make a big salad or some sandwiches another night. Someone stop me the next
time I try to be clever. We grilled the chicken after the brining.
I’m sorry to report that this chicken was inedible. It was so salty you simply could not eat it. 1/2 cup of salt in 6 cups of water is a lot, but brines do generally have a lot of salt. Maybe if there was some other flavor involved in this it might have been edible, but as it was, it jut tasted like salt and nothing else. The honey flavor did not come through at all. This was a HUGE disappointment!
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Did you use coarse salt or iodized salt? Did you use mortons coarse salt or another brand?
Why do you have a blog if you don’t reply to the questions of people that are following it? I think that is horribly rude
I used a store brand of coarse salt.
I just answered your question. I must have missed this one and I’m sorry you found it rude. As you can see, I respond to questions regularly here, but this one must have slipped by.
You should try again (with a smaller amount of chicken and brine of course). This time rinse and dry the chicken after you brine it. Also two hours is ridiculous for chicken. Try an hour.
the brine I make needs to be precisely done this way;
-1 part salt
-1 part honey or sugar
16 parts of water.
Visit Brian and Glenns Page “” or look ath the brine recipe at this site: