Not So Cool Coolers

Posted by Brette in Food

Although gelatin goes where I fear to tread, I gave Martha’s Watermelon Coolers (May Martha Stewart Living) a try. My family loves smoothies. They are a special treat for us, so I thought this could be a winner. Additionally, Mr. MarthaandMe is known to freeze pieces of watermelon and eat them.

wat-cooler1The first step was to puree the watermelon and then push it through a sieve. Next you heat part of the juice with some salt and add your softened gelatin to it as well as some lemon juice. No other ingredients!

You set it in an ice bath until it starts to gel, then pour into glasses and refrigerate. It looked very pretty and I served it with Mr. MarthaandMe’s birthday dinner.

Thumbs down on this one, big time. I thought it was just awful. First of all, it wasn’t very sweet, so if you are used to smoothies or other sweet fruit drinks, it is a palate shocker. I also thought that if you were blindfolded, you would not be able to identify this as watermelon. The only way I can explain it is that it tasted green to me in some way. wat-cooler2

The gelatin did not enhance anything about this. It felt like half melted Jello.

Nobody drank this and it went down the drain. A big loser.

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One Response

  • JoAnn says:

    Here’s a Tongan watermelon cooler that’s super easy.
    Remove seeds and flesh from watermelon, crush or shredd flesh into a bowl, catching all the watermelon juice. Add coconut milk and sugar or honey to taste, and a spritz of lemon juice. You can also add crushed pineapple. Serve with a straw and a spoon. Add ice if its not cold enough.
