This week’s Martha Mondays project was Iced Applesauce Oatmeal Cookies, chosen by Robyn At Robyn’s Nest. These were really easy to put together. I did make a few changes. I used whole wheat flour instead of regular; I didn’t use raisins; I used regular applesauce instead of chunky and I added about 1/4 tsp of cinnamon. I thought the batter tasted incredible. Then I tasted a cookie warm and did not
like it at all. Later I tasted one once it was cooled and had the icing on it and liked it much better. Everyone in the house gave this one a thumbs up. These are soft oatmeal cookies. I liked it because it is at least somewhat healthy and it feels substantial and filling. Very yummy!
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Oh, these look so yummy! I found some fairly decent sugar free iced oatmeal cookies. I know I can bake with Splenda, but I get lazy!
My kids hate Splenda. They can always tell when I use it in baking.
Yet another yummy oatmeal cookie choice for my hungry husband to sample. Thanks!
Your cookies turned out very well. They look great! P.S. It was my project selection, not MaryAnn’s.
Oh, yum. These are a must-have.
These cookies were great! I’ve got my comments up on my blog:
Oh gosh – sorry about that!! Got my dates mixed up. Fixing it right now.
They were quick/easy to make and taste great. Yay!
Here’s my blog post:
Mine’s up! These were great little cookies. Thanks Robyn for a great pick.