Sunchokes, also called Jerusalem artichokes, are something I had never tried before. I ran across them in the grocery store recently and brought them home. They look kind of like a round ginger root when raw. I researched how to use them. I ended up quartering them and tossing with olive oil, garlic, and salt and pepper and roasting at 400 for about 45 minutes. When I served them, I tossed them with some fresh chives.
These taste surprisingly like potatoes, but just a tad sweeter and the tiniest bit crunchier. We really liked them. They are actually healthier than potatoes, so that is a big plus for this veggie. I’ve got big plans to do lots of other dishes with them if they appear at my store again. Have you ever tried these?
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There’s a guy at the farmer’s market who sells them, and yes, I tried them raw. Have to get some more and try the grilled. I thought they were great, but my husband was not crazy about them. Plus their odd shape makes them a bit of a pain to peel and clean. But still worth trying again.
They are so weird looking. Mine came already cleaned in a package at the store, so I didn’t have to do that.