Happy April Fool’s Day!

Posted by Brette in Food | Holidays

April Fool’s Day is a special day in our family. It is teen Martha’s (my teen daughter) birthday. Happy 17th Birthday Teen Martha! Because of this special event, we are usually more concentrated on birthday celebrations than on tricks. It is apropos that she was born on April Fool’s Day since she played a little April fool joke us on the day she was born. My bouncing bundle of joy weighed in at a whopping 11 1/2 lbs. Quite a funny little joke, except it was no joke! And I lived to tell the tale. I’m under strict orders not to post ANY photos of her on here or she will never speak to me again.

aprfool-cake2I thought I would share a special birthday cake I made for her a few years ago. It’s an April Fool’s cake – spaghetti and meatballs cake.

First I made a one layer chocolate cake (using my grandmother’s recipe which I might share with you someday if you’re nice!). I made white frosting and squeezed it out through a pastry bag to make it look like spaghetti. I made the meatballs out of fudge. The red sauce is strawberry jam and the parmesan cheese is grated white chocolate. It was a huge hit.


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