Disaster. It was doing great then just dried up. We’re still trying to resuscitate this.
We (ok, my husband) has been working hard at keeping our gardens from getting away from us. We are determined not to let weeds get the better of us this year. A big problem has been how dry it has been. We have not had any real rain for weeks. We’ll get thunderstorms rolling through, but end up with only a sprinkle, yet enough noise to freak out our dog Merlin who now has an anti-anxiety prescription for it!
Things are looking really good in the gardens. I only have a few things that are flowering right now, so I thought I would share those as well as

I have many hostas but only one is flowering.
one major disaster we’ve had.

I just love this crazy squiggly plant.

I think these are called balloon flowers.

- The first daylily is out. I also have tiger lilies that will be opening soon.
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We (ok, my husband) has been working hard at keeping our gardens from getting away from us. We are determined not to let weeds get the better of us this year. A big problem has been how dry it has been. We have not had any real rain for weeks. We’ll get thunderstorms rolling through, … Read more →