I couldn’t help myself – I had to order a Martha Stewart turkey for Thanksgiving. If you order one this week, you can save $15 by entering the code Martha15.
I’m excited about Martha’s turkey for several reasons. The turkeys are not certified organic, but they are antibiotic and hormone free, vegetarian fed and humanely raised. Every single one of those factors is of great importance to me. The turkeys come in two sizes – 12 lb ($69.99) or 18 lb ($89.99), minus the $15 discount. You can choose your delivery date, which is a nice feature.
The turkeys are from Plainville Farms and I have had their regular turkeys in the past with great success. I can’t wait to try it!
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I’ve written so many stories on organic certification. It could be that the farm is working towards it, but it does take a long time to become “certified organic.” Good for you for looking for meat that is humanely raised. We have “traditional” turkey farms all throughout Arkansas and it really has turned us off of turkey.