Roasted Portobello Caprese Salad
Posted by in FoodAnother Martha dish I never would have come up with on my own! In September Martha Stewart Living, Martha has a recipe for Roasted Portobello Caprese Salad. It looked good and I liked all the ingredients, so I was in!

My pretty plate
The first step is to brush your portobello mushrooms with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and roast it with some garlic at 400. No problem. I like portobellos, but don’t often buy them, so this was a treat.
After that has roasted for 20 minutes, you add some sliced tomatoes to the pan and roast those as well. I picked my first tomatoes of the season for this recipe! I was so thrilled to be able to use my own!
Once the veggies are done, you rub the mushrooms with the garlic, then put a mushroom on the bottom of the plate and layer fresh mozzarella, basil and

My first tomatoes!
the roasted tomatoes on top in layers. You serve it with escarole on the side (I couldn’t find plain escarole so I used a bag of arugula salad mix).
This was a very simple supper to put together. I whipped up some homemade biscuits to serve it with and it was a complete meal. The portobellos were juicy and filling. The roast tomatoes were sweet and flavorful. The basil was a nice added flavor, as was the garlic. The mozzarella softened on top of the warm veggies and the whole thing was quite delicious. It looked very fancy I thought, but was so easy to make. This is a wonderful late summer dish, and a great way to put those tomatoes to good use!
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What a simple elegent meatless dinner. I wonder if my Hubby and kid would eat it! I sure would!
Portobello mushrooms are a favorite of mine. I’ll definitely be trying this recipe.
You’ll love it!
Beautiful tomatoes. I think I’ll try this one. I like portobellos but never quite know what to do with them. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll try it and get back to you with how it goes!!
I’m kind of stumped by them also in general. If you cut them up, they’re just like other mushrooms. I like to make sandwiches with roasted portobellos though – melt some cheese and add some tomato and it’s yummy.
This sounds delish – and I really like it because it’s vegetarian. There is also something rustic yet elegant about it. Hmmm, I think it just might become dinner one night next week. Thanks!