Minneola Tangelo Buttermilk Scones

Posted by Brette in Food

The recipe for Minneola Tangelo Buttermilk Scones on page 132 of Martha Stewart Living (January) caught my eye. Oh, do I love a good scone.  Especially with a cup of tea. Oh my. Add some jam and clotted cream and I’m in rapture. Seriously.

So, I was ready to give this one a try. Now, pardon me for a moment as I vent. I do like to read about new products and foods, but this whole section of citrus recipes annoyed me. My store has Valencia oranges and Clementine tangerines. Throw in a few grapefruit and some lemons and limes and that is the citrus section. Maybe people in NYC can trot out and find Minneola tangelos, but I sure can’t. And really, I’m not about to order them from the list of resources Martha has just to chop them up and put them in scones.  So, I started this one off planning to use Clementines. I have no idea if they are an adequate substitute, but it was the only game in town!

scones1I started by cutting the butter into the dry ingredients. I have a little wire tool for this just like Martha uses on the show. Next I added the chopped clementines (which I whizzed up in the Cuisinart), zest and buttermilk.

My intention was to take photos so you could see the dough, but my goodness, it was a mess and it was all over my hands and I couldn’t even touch the camera! This was a pile of mushy slop. Martha says to knead it then cut it into triangles. There was no chance of that. I just scooped some out and made round blobs on the baking sheet. I can’t entirely blame Martha, since I was not using the prescribed fruit and that may have made a difference.

scones2They came out of the oven looking like this.  Not exactly your traditional scone! They did, however, taste good. One caveat – this really needs a little spice of some kind. Maybe ginger? I don’t know, but it definitely needs something. Blueberry scones are still my favorite and I probably wouldn’t make this recipe again.

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