Sirloin Salad with Cilantro was chosen as this week’s project by Sarah at Mum in Bloom. First of all I have to say I do not understand why this is called a “salad!” You marinate the steak in a mix of cilantro, OJ, vinegar, and jalapeno. Then you grill it and you’re supposed to serve it with more cilantro and red onion, with additional reserved marinade as a sauce. It’s not a salad.
It’s beef with garnish.
My big Cuisinart is broken (I dropped the plastic thingy you push food down with and it broke and it won’t turn on without that locked on), so I made this in my little mini food processor, which worked fine actually. Then I realized my son drank all the OJ! I squeezed the juice from some tangerines instead.
The marinade looked and tasted good. The next problem was that the grill was out of propane (even though we have an extra tank to prevent this kind of thing from happening – it was empty too!). So I grilled this on the JennAir. We were rushing to get to my son’s hockey game and the meat was just not cooking, so I threw it in the oven for a while at the end because it was completely bloody. Somehow it went from beyond rare to completely well done in minutes so that wasn’t so great. I couldn’t really taste anything different about the meat, even though this marinated more than an hour. We put more sauce on it, but it was so thin it just ran all over. I put a little in a small bowl and dunked each bite and that worked out better. I didn’t have red onion and don’t like it, so I skipped that.
This was something I never would have made on my own and was different, but it’s probably not something I would make again.
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I thought the same thing about the “salad” part. Unless she thinks because of the dressing it’s a steak and onion salad….like tomato and mozzarella salad…I don’t know. I kept looking over the recipe to see if I was missing something. I didn’t use red onion either. I had shallots so I used it in the photo, but didn’t eat it with it. 😀
I posted my results already. Sorry about your steak 🙁 sometimes life gets in the way!
This was a sucess for me – but any steak is really ;o). I had to broil mine in the oven and substitute champagne vinegar with rice vinegar.
I’m sorry your food processor broke. Boy, I never thought I’d say I miss going to hockey games…
Mmmm I love the combo of steak and cilantro. I’m sorry that your grilling experience was so lousy! Your marinade sounds a lot like one we buy bottled at the store–it’s a Mexican marinade called Mojo sauce. We use it on just about everything–it’s got that great mix of citrus and spice.
I loved the recipe but your right, where’s the salad? Posting mine later today. 🙂
We really enjoyed this – it is very rare for us to have steak so it made a nice change. I couldn’t be doing with the added washing up so I just cut up the cilantro and mixed that in with the other ingredients. I also added more salad and potato wedges to make it into more of a meal. But I will make mine again. I thought the flavours were lovely.
Glad you enjoyed it. I agree that it had very nice flavors. I’m getting less and less fond of steak these days though and when I do have it, I prefer tenderloin. Sirloin can be so chewy.
Marthaandme: Hey, now you can get a new Cuisinart!! Didn’t you mention that yours was one of the older ones? If you don’t want to spend the money, there is a dependable site called Cuisinart parts, or something like that. They have replaced parts for me on my really really old one. But I love the new one now!!!
I’ll have to just replace it – no way can I justify buying a new one when mine works fine and I just broke one small part!
Your kitchen and family did not cooperate on this one, did it? Glad it still turned out.