Martha Mondays: Hot Cross Buns
Posted by in FoodPerfecting Pru chose Hot Cross Buns with Dried Cherries for this week. I’ve made hot cross buns once before, a Martha recipe, but I liked that this recipe had dried cherries since I don’t like raisins. The recipe actually has half cherries and half raisins. I thought that this did not rise quite as much as I would have liked it to, but other than it turned out well. I cheated and did not use a pastry bag for the frosting, thus the messy look. We all shared one here and enjoyed it, then I sent the rest away since we also had cake to eat from Teen Martha’s birthday (she turned 20 so from now on, we’ll be referring to her as College Martha). We’re
taking a break for the next two Mondays and will get going again with a new project after that.
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I found the icing to be too runny so I made it thicker and piped it. I am pleased that you liked them. We enjoyed them in our house although they weren’t as spring-y as you find in the shops.
Have a wonderful Easter and please send my birthday wishes to College Martha!
Thanks Pru! I enjoyed making these but I had to get them out of the house or I was going to die of carb overload. I think the icing on these is usually kind of runny. The ones I see in the stores always look a bit runny I think. I’m glad you enjoyed them.