Like Muffin Tops, But Better
Posted by in FoodFirst of all, let me say I KNOW Martha’s cupcake book comes out today, but I don’t have my copy yet. Sigh. It’s coming and I’m going to be doing a giveaway here for a copy as well, so keep your eyes peeled for that excitement.

melting the chocolate
In the meantime, let me tell you about Martha’s Brownie Cookies (Martha Stewart Everyday Food, June). These were easy to whip up and surprisingly, it feels like there is almost nothing that goes into it – only 1/4 cup of flour! Most of the batter is made up of melted chocolate (which really can only be a good thing). I always melt my chocolate in the microwave. It’s faster. The key to this is to only melt it partway, then take it out and stir it until it all melts. If you don’t, you’ll probably burn it.
I mixed it all up and it was absolutely necessary to taste the batter several

Ready for the oven
times. You can’t be too careful, really.
I got the cookies onto the baking sheets and that’s when it all went to hell in a hand basket. This batter is very soft. My baking sheets are no longer perfectly flat and I used silpats. Ergo, my cookies slid all over the place. It was a like a skating rink for cookies in that oven. Skid marks everywhere.
Despite the fact that they looked like they had been in a bad car crash, these cookies tasted very good! You’re familiar with muffin tops, right? Some bakeries only make the tops of the muffins since people say that is their favorite

part. Well, in that same vein, these are brownie tops. All that wonderful crunchy, crinkly stuff you get on the tops of the brownies consolidated into a cookie. Oh, they’re quite good. Decadent in fact. You must make them.

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