Dude Martha Goes Soft

Posted by Brette in Food

My son, previously known as mini-Martha, has requested that he be referred to as Dude Martha. I will do my best to remember! Dude Martha asked me if there were any Martha cookies he could make and got quite excited about the soft chocolate chip cookies in the April issue of Everyday Food. He made these completely on his own and is quite a proficient little baker!

soft-choc-chipThe recipe is pretty basic and the only way it differs from regular chocolate chip cookies is that it uses corn syrup instead of granulated sugar.

He did a very find job mixing it all up and scooping the cookies. They took a little longer to bake than the recipe said (as always). We put it on convection finally and that got the last batch done quickly.

How did they taste? Really great, actually! They truly are soft and have a very soft-choc-chip2nice flavor. Dude Martha has requested that I save this recipe for him, since he plans to make these again and again. Of course, I’ll need to taste test each batch….

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