Body and Soul Salad

Posted by Brette in Food

chick spin saladI’ve been cooking from the July/August issue of Martha Stewart’s Body and Soul Magazine. Next up – Chicken Salad with Grapes, Avocado, and Almonds Over Spinach. This salad has several of my favorite things – avocado, almonds, spinach and chicken. Obviously, I had to make it!

This was very simple. I cooked the chicken, cut up grapes, toasted some sliced almonds, cut some corn off the cob and washed my spinach.  I did not make my dressing in the bottom of the bowl (I like to control how much I use) and as always, Martha’s dressing needed sweetening, so I added some honey to it.

This was a truly fab salad. I loved it! We had it for dinner with yesterday’s Strawberry Muffin recipe. It was perfect for dinner – very filling and you didn’t feel like you were just grazing on a pile of greens. It had substance and flavor and I loved it.  I did not think I was going to like grapes in a salad, but they fit in quite nicely with the other ingredients. The recipe says this feeds 4, but 2 of us ate this and we had tons and tons left.  Mr. MarthaandMe, who is not a big fan of spinach, ate this without complaint. There was so much in it, I don’t even know if he noticed it was a spinach base.

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