Blowing Raspberries
Posted by in FoodI made Martha’s Raspberry Custard Pie as dessert for our St. Pat’s dinner. Although the final result was good, I think my brain was on vacation as I was

Don't crimp my style!
making this. First, I made Martha’s crust. I refrigerated it as she directs and then found it nearly impossible to roll out, even after I let it sit out a while to warm up. The dough kept cracking at the edges. Finally got it into a pan and I used Martha’s two finger plus thumb crimping method (which really worked amazingly well!). No problem. I added beans (I need to buy some pie weights!) to the pie crust and got it in the oven. Well, half-brained me, I forgot to put parchment paper down first before I poured the beans in! So when I went to get the beans out, I ended up with road kill pie crust. It was not usable, so I

Mini-Martha's treat
had to start over. However, in Martha’s waste not, want not mentality, I used the messed up crust to make a little cinnamon and sugar pie for Mini-Martha who was not going to like raspberry pie. My second attempt was much better – and this time I did not refrigerate the crust and it rolled out very, very nicely without a problem.
Once I had a usable crust, I made the custard. This took me two tries. I was measuring out the sugar and completely lost count. I had no idea how many 1/4 cups I had dumped in! So I had to dump it out and start over to make sure it came out right! Once I got over that brain freeze, I mixed the raspberries with it and got that into the oven. It cooked nicely. The custard set up well and the pie was pretty. My mom (Big MarthaAndMe) really liked it – I knew she would since raspberries are so sour and we always say Nana likes “pucker pies” – pies that are very tart. I wasn’t a great fan of this dessert. It was a little too tart for me. It was definitely easy to make (or it would have been had my brain not been on vacation!).
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this looks insanely yummy. my kids go nuts for anything with raspberries this has just been added to the docket. yum!
Easy to make too, assuming your brain doesn’t seize up like mine did!
I want to try this too. It seems lacking on eggs though? I am use to custards using a lot more eggs. I may use less raspberries and more eggs. I also might add some vanilla? Thanks for posting!
looks great! Have translated the recepi and going to make one soon with raspberries from my garden!!!! This year there are so many!!! Last year not, but now… YAMMIE!