Have You Tried… Bread Cheese?

Posted by Brette in Food | Have You Tried?

bread cheeseI picked up a package of Carr Valley Bread Cheese at my grocery store recently ($11.79/lb.). On the package it says it is good dipped in coffee or with jam. Really? I scratched my head at this but gave it a try, mostly because it’s pretty hard to find cheese I won’t eat.

The cheese comes in a slab, about 5 inches by 4 inches, roughly an inch thick. It is slightly browned on the outside. I warmed it in a pan before serving with some jam. It’s a very dense cheese that is very mild. I think it is the combo of the density and the mildness that has brought the comparison to bread. We tasted it plain and it was just ok. I put strawberry jam on it and it was fantastic. I can also definitely see that this would be good with coffee (which I don’t drink – but I can see it with tea or even hot chocolate).  I know, it sounds completely weird, but it was just really good! It was a great accompaniment to the light dinner we had of salad and scallops.

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