A Personal Note: Good News
Posted by in LifeThanks to all of you who expressed concern (and sent good wishes!) about ongoing family medical issues. For the second time in two months, we had a false positive radiology reading. First it happened to me in December – the ER outsourced the reading of a CT scan at night overseas and they sent me home telling me I had a mass that was likely cancerous. The CT was reread in the morning by a hospital radiologist who determined it was simply a burst ovarian cyst. This week another family member was told there was a pancreatic cyst on an ultrasound with all sorts of horrible possibilities. A CT then showed everything was completely normal. Whew. We’re all relieved and completely exhausted. On the one hand, of course I want radiologists to identify possible problems, but gosh, I am so sick of being alarmed and panicked over what turns out to be absolutely nothing. I wish there was a way these folks could be a little more careful.
So, I’m scraping myself off the floor, taking a deep breath, and moving forward. In other good news, this has helped me to identify a toxic person in my life – a friend who was intent on seeing only the negatives in every situation. This opened my eyes to that and I feel like a weight has been lifted. I have a whole new positive outlook on life. It has also made me realize I need to widen my circle of friends.
I just got the February Martha Stewart Living in the mail and I am so excited by it! There are lots of recipes I want to try as well as some crafts (and it is rare for me to get excited about crafts!). I think the next couple of weeks are going to be fun as I try some things in the magazine and share it with all of you. Thanks again to everyone who supported me throughout all of this. Onward and upward!
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Inspirational. I have let a couple of toxic people go recently – friends that I have known for years who I’ve often felt drained by – and I had that split second flash of doubt. Your post made me realize that I do not need permission to take care of myself and I don’t need to be apologetic either. Thank you!
Thank you for validating me!
Whew! So glad to hear that you are alright!
I’m so glad to hear all is well!
Sometimes you just have to leave bad relationships behind. It’s happened to all of us, I imagine. It’s hard to keep giving when all you get is negativity.
Enjoy your February cooking and crafting!
Not easy to disengage from a long friendship with a “toxic” friend. Glad you were able to do so. Also glad to hear medical issues have been resolved. Will look forward to the discovery of February Martha Steward Living as you try crafts and recipes!
Thank goodness! I so glad that all is healthy and fine.
I am so pleased that the test results have come back positively and you can now assess where everything stands. Sometimes it takes something pretty awful to make you look at what is around you. Can’t wait for the next month of your blog.
So very glad to hear everything is ok!