Shrimp and Zucchini Tostadas

Posted by Brette in Food

shrimp-tostadasShrimp and Zucchini Tostadas seemed like an easy dish to make (“doing” Martha does not have to always be time-consuming and overwhelming – sometimes just using nice ingredients in a simply elegant way is truly Martha).  I only had one tortilla in the house, so I decided to use pitas. I had a pack of 4 and set them out on the counter to defrost. When I came back, 2 were gone and there was a dog with a suspiciously full tummy. So I made two on pitas and cut my lone tortilla in half and made two with that. This dish is amazingly easy. You just saute up some garlic and zucchini. Stick the tortillas in the oven with cheese on them. Saute the shrimp and dump the shrimp and zucchini on top of the tortillas. Add some scallions and serve with sour cream (I also served with sliced avocado). These were AMAZING. And I don’t know why they were so good, but they were. The flavors went together perfectly. I’m going to make this dish again for sure.

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