Good Fortune
Posted by in Home and DecoratingI adore fortune cookies. I think it all started in 7th grade when my best friend Beth and I used to walk to the store at the end of her street and buy them in the bulk department. We would eat through a whole bag in one sitting, ripping into them to see what our fortunes were going to be. Sometimes we found duplicate fortunes, which was always a little disappointing.
Fortune cookies combine the two things I love most in the world – reading and dessert! I also love the silly mysticism of it.
Imagine my exclamation of joy when I got to page 73 of January Living and saw the terrific photo of fortune cookies! Fortune cookies are a fun little inspiration for me.
I thought I would share my collection with you (which also plays off the creative workspaces theme of the Jan issue – something I’ll be talking about later this month – since my collection is kept in my office).

My Fancy Fortune Cookies
The first photo is my facny fortune cookies – gold, silver or jeweled. These are the only ones not currently in my office. Right now, they stay in a curio cabinet in the living room, but I’m hoping to find some kind of small wall display cabinet to hold my entire collection so they can all be together in my office.

The Office Collection
The second photo is the office collection. Some I bought on eBay, the 3 little silver ones I found in a department store, the red leather one we found in a store in Charlottesville, VA and the pink, gold, light blue and silvery blue ones were made by my friend Belle, and I treasure those because she made them just for me. The big blue one in the back right is an electronic fortune cookie. You pull it open and a fortune displays on the LED screen.

Real Fortunes
The third photo is framed fortunes I’ve received that were meaningful or inspirational to me and two little books people have given me about fortune cookies.
I adore fortune cookies. I think it all started in 7th grade when my best friend Beth and I used to walk to the store at the end of her street and buy them in the bulk department. We would eat through a whole bag in one sitting, ripping into them to see what our … Read more