New MarthaAndMe Products
Posted by in Have You Tried?Because I wanted one for myself, Mr. MarthaAndMe and the most wonderful Justin Chow, designer extraordinaire, designed a t-shirt on Cafepress that says “What Would Martha Do?” It’s got the little implements that are in the MarthaAndMe new logo (also designed by Justin) on it and it says MarthaAndMe on the back in smaller letters. I really wanted a t-shirt for me and decided to share with others who might enjoy it. Mr. MarthaAndMe set it up so you can get the same image on an apron,sweatshirt, long sleeve t-shirt, tote bag, mug, mousepad, dog t-shirt, etc. They make great holiday gifts. And, yes, I make a very small percent
from each one, which will help defray the cost of the design for the new logo. Check out the products – and thanks Mr. MarthaAndMe and Justin! A box about this will be permanently hanging out over on the right hand side of the blog if you want to find it again in the future.
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Wow! This is so cool! I’m off to order my t-shirt now.
I love the new logo and the fact I can buy products with it. Thanks! I am really enjoying your blog.
How cool! What a great idea! I also love your blog and look forward to reading it every day.
Cute shirt! Perfect gift!
So pretty!! What a great idea!!
Very cool!
That is ADORABLE! Such a great idea.
This is a great logo, a great design, and great colors!
Great idea, Brette! I have been thinking about doing something similar on my own blog.
What a great idea, Brette. Very cute!
Very fun. A networking guru friend suggested I do this (with DIY birth on the T-shirts… Um, no thanks) — you are ahead of the crowd, I think. Please post about how the T-shirt sales go. I wish I could think of someone to buy one for but no one I know is really into MARTHA. Now, if the T-shirt said, What would Brette do, I think I’d get one!
This is adorable! I am sure that someone on my gift list needs one!