Happy Martha-versary to me. The end of October marked the one year anniversary of my Martha project and my blog. We decided to have a Halloween party to celebrate – and also to give me a chance to flex my Martha muscles.
Yesterday was the big day and it was the culmination of several weeks of planning and work (that’s always the problem with parties – you plan and cook and decorate and work your buns off for weeks and it’s over in a flash).
I promised to share all the details, so this will be a long post!
First, the costumes. I was Martha. Teen Martha blew out my curly hair to look like Martha’s – I was surprised at how well it actually turned out! I wore a pink button front shirt and khaki capris. I had a pair of blue heels I was going to wear, but when I put them on , the soles disintegrated (I haven’t worn them in over 15 years!) so I ended up with some low black heels which weren’t quite what I wanted. Mr. MarthaAndMe made a home detention ankle bracelet for me to wear. I have the greatest respect for Martha and was afraid that was a little insulting, but it helped people identify who I was. I carried a Martha bouquet – paint brush, whisk and garden trowel, tied with a measuring tape. I pointed out “good things” all night.
Mr. MarthaAndMe was a vampire. He has years of practice with vampire costumes. His mother had the cape made for him when he a child.
Teen Martha was a Roman. I sewed the toga by hand. She made the belt and headpiece. I think she looks cute. As you can see in the background, her friends were also Romans.
Dude Martha wore his gory store bought costume.
Let’s move on the decor. We made a gourd totem, from Oct Living. Actually, Mr. MarthaAndMe handled that and he did an excellent job. I don’t think I would bother doing this again, but it was fun. We put this on the front porch, but I never got a picture.
There were lots of spider webs, caution tape, orange and black streamers and balloons around also.
I spent a lot of time on the table. I made the tablescape that is in the Halloween special issue – gauze on the table and black tissue paper cut out to go around it. I had to order the tissue paper online and I found the gauze at Joann’s, but didn’t buy enough. When I realized, they were out of it. I ended up finding something similar at Walmart. I also cut the tissue paper to go around my cake plate with the ghost cake.
You can also see my luminare hanging from the chandelier.
The Food
I made a lot of food. We have tons and tons left. I’m just going to paste in the photos with captions for this:

Maple Cookies, Nov Living, by Teen Martha

Guacamole, Halloween special issue

Ghost cake Halloween special issue

Mummy Toes, not Martha

Pumpkin Cheese Puffs, Halloween special issue

Chocolate Pumpkin Tart, Halloween special issue

Putrid Punch with frozen hands, not Martha

Coffin Crispies, my own creation

Eat My Lips Yogurt, from Rachel Ray

Buried Alive Cupcakes, MS recipe, Rachel Ray decoration
The Games

Donut on a string
We had several games which the younger kids enjoyed. We started with Martha’s donut on a string game. I had a hard time finding small donuts for this – regular size seemed too big. I did finally find some and everyone liked this game. One girl ate hers in one bite!
We put “body parts” in bags and the kids had to guess what they were. The best score was 6 out of 8. We had cauliflower for brains, ramen noodles for veins, an oiled tortilla for skin, dried apricots for ears, peeled grapes for eyeballs, a carved canned cranberry sauce for heart,

Body parts game
and gherkins with almond slivers for fingers/toes.
We also played mummy wrap, where they had to wrap each other in

Mummy wrap
toilet paper.
We played eyeball pong – each kid got a rubber eyeball and they had to bounce it and try to get into cups. Each cup had a prize and if your ball went in, you won the prize.

Eyeball pong
We also had a monster assembly game. I kept all our recyclables for several weeks. We divided them into two boxes and divided the kids into two teams. Each team got tape and scissors. We gave them five minutes to make a monster. They actually did a really great job – but they smashed them before I could get a photo of the final results.
It was an incredible amount of work. We got most of it cleaned up last night when the kids left to go trick or treating and did the rest this morning. I’m exhausted! I’m glad I did it though – I’m pretty proud of myself and think everything turned out quite well.

Monster assembly
Happy Martha-versary to me. The end of October marked the one year anniversary of my Martha project and my blog. We decided to have a Halloween party to celebrate – and also to give me a chance to flex my Martha muscles. Yesterday was the big day and it was the culmination of several weeks … Read more