div orgToday I’m announcing the release of my newest book, The Divorce Organizer and Planner, second edition. In my former life I was a divorce attorney and this book is the culmination of everything I used to tell my clients. The book helps you organize the many documents you need to give to your attorney, offers checklists for getting through the divorce, and provides advice about how to win a custody case, make a good impression on the judge, and stay sane.  The tips in the book allow you to save on legal fees because you are able to present your attorney with carefully organized documents and evidence, reducing the work your attorney will have to do in your case. It also helps you think clearly at a time when clarity is something you desperately need. The book comes with a CD containing forms and checklists. It’s an invaluable resource if you are in a divorce or considering filing.

Today I’m announcing the release of my newest book, The Divorce Organizer and Planner, second edition. In my former life I was a divorce attorney and this book is the culmination of everything I used to tell my clients. The book helps you organize the many documents you need to give to your attorney, offers … Read more
