So Proud of Myself

Posted by Brette in Crafts

bathroom artWe recently redid our bathroom, which was a nightmare to live through, but I love the end result. I went with a blue and green color scheme – beachy colors.

I bought this piece of art at an art show in FL – it’s a beach scene painting with a tiny starfish, tiny sand dollar (which you can’t really see in this photo due to the flash- sorry), and two tiny shells.  I loved it when I saw it because of the color scheme, the watercolor style and the real shells glued on. I got it home and knew I wanted it to go in the bathroom, but wasn’t sure what to do with it. Eventually I realized I had larger versions of three of the shells that are glued to the painting. So I bought a shadow box, put the painting in it and then stood my three corresponding shells up on the bottom. I’m actually quite proud of this and I love how it turned out. I felt very Martha coming up with and executing this.

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