Have You Tried…Olive Oil Misto?

Posted by Brette in Have You Tried?

mistoI grew up using Pam to spray baking dishes, baking sheets, etc. It’s super convenient and easy to use. However, it has a long list of icky ingredients in it. One of which is silicone. I really don’t want to eat silicone. I’m not a big fan of rubbing sticks of butter on my pans or painting them with olive oil. I even tried saving my butter wrappers to use, but it always annoyed me.

Enter the olive oil Misto. This is your own easy to use cooking spray alternative. You fill the mister with olive oil. You are supposed to pump it 10 times before using it each time. Then you spray. It works just as well as Pam with no icky ingredients.

Although you are supposed to pump it 10 times, I did that the first time and since then I usually give it about 2-3 pumps and it works just fine.

I am LOVING this product. It’s also much nicer looking than cooking spray, so it sits out on the recessed shelf behind my cooktop now.

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