I made today’s tree myself. After the popcorn wreath that I made turned out so well, I decided I simply had to have a popcorn tree to go with it in the kitchen. I bought a foam cone shaped form and glued the popcorn on with styrofoam glue (which dries quickly and also dries clear). I originally tried using Alene’s Tacky Glue, Clear Gel and it didn’t hold. This project was pretty quick to put together. I like have a tree and a wreath in the kitchen that match!
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If you used something else to make the popcorn stick … I wonder if you would put one out for the birds. Would they eat corn? We don’t have tree squirrels where I live, so that isn’t a problem.
Yes, someone else asked this about the popcorn wreath I made. I wouldn’t do it with this tree though since the base is a foam and you wouldn’t want them to peck away and get that. You could make something in a flat tree shape though if you used birdseed and peanut butter and baked it. There are recipes around for things like that. You could add some popcorn to it.