A Little More From the Garden
Posted by in GardeningNow that it has cooled off and we’ve gotten some rain, my garden is looking better than ever. The only failure is the day lilies. There is a whole line of them, but they are under some pine trees. Our peonies were there also and last year I performed a rescue mission to move them since they were not getting enough sun. The same thing is happening with the lilies – and someone has been snacking on the leaves. There was one flower, but I didn’t get to it with my camera soon enough.
I was excited to see my black-eyed Susans up and awake. We’ve had trouble with these over the years. Twice people have tried to pull them out, thinking they were weeds. I’m happy to see they are making a comeback. They always make me think of a restaurant on Nantucket of the same name!
My hydrangea is out of control as usual.
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