Treasures from India

Posted by Brette in Travel Shopping

Hat from the Himalayas

As I recently posted, my husband went to India on a 10-day business trip. I wasn’t able to go (and someday I will get over this, really). To placate me, he did bring me a couple of gifts. He also received gifts from the colleagues he visited. There was lots to see once he unpacked.

He received an interesting hat from the driver he spent some of his time with. The hat is made in the driver’s village in the Himalayas and the pattern is unique to that village.

He brought us all shirts. The girls got

Marble tiles

patterned tops. The boys got shirts with Nehru collars. I received a beautiful blue scarf (the tag says it is a stole). My daughter got a crocheted purse. All of these items were bought when the mother of one of his associates took him shopping. He bought the clothes at a shop called FabIndia, which he said felt the Gap for India.

My favorite thing is a brass bowl in the shape of a lotus, painted pink and purple.

Shirts for the girls

He brought home a drink mix of some kind, a syrup you mix with water.

Ganesh and a drink mix

His colleagues gave him a statue of Ganesh and two framed tiles. They are marble with glass jewels and paint on them to make a pattern. They are quite beautiful. One of them says it is supposed to be a replica of a piece of jewelry. The other has no label, so we are unsure what it is.

The treasures he brought home are fascinating!

Shirts for the boys and scarf

Lotus bowl

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