Rock On
Posted by in Home and DecoratingThe letter from Martha in August Martha Stewart Living about Maine not only made me nostalgic, but it made me think about how to bring a little Maine into my house.

Rocks on the beach
When we stayed in Maine a few years ago, we were in a house right on the coast, with a very gorgeous, rocky shore (in York Harbor). I loved hearing the waves crashing on the rocks all night. Every time we climbed down to the beach (and this was not an easy walk – it was rocky and steep), I would come back with my hands and pockets full of rocks. “What are you going to do with all of these?” Mr. MarthaAndMe asked. I didn’t really know, but I knew I was not leaving without them. Thank goodness we didn’t fly because it would have cost an arm and a leg to fly them home since they are so heavy.
That trip left me with a collection of gorgeous Maine rocks. A few years later, we stayed on Cape Cod for a week and again I brought home piles of rocks. Mr. MarthaAndMe knew better than to question me that time. These rocks were even harder to procure though since the beach was down a 35 step steep staircase. Hauling all those rocks up was a challenge.
These trips left me with rocks for brains – no, just kidding – they left me with piles of rocks. I read Martha’s article about Maine and it made me crave the rocky beach. I got out my rocks and decided it was time to do something with them.
I decided that this gorgeous big rock would work well as a doorstop. It now sits next to the door out to the garage and it works perfectly. It stands up by itself and it is heavy enough to hold the door. I love the designs on it.
Next I had lots of smaller Maine rocks. I decided to put these in a basket and put it in the family room. I love the mix of different colors and types of rock. Blue rocks like these just say Maine to me.
Next, I moved on to the Cape Cod rocks. I took the larger rocks and put them in another basket in the family room (a basket which happened to come from Maine).
I love the green rocks from Cape Cod. I still had some smaller Cape Cod rocks left, plus some small pieces of driftwood. I bought a rectangular glass vase and put the rocks in it and put it on a shelf in the kitchen with the driftwood next to it.
I’m really happy to have all of my rocks out and on display. I think Martha would approve.
The letter from Martha in August Martha Stewart Living about Maine not only made me nostalgic, but it made me think about how to bring a little Maine into my house. When we stayed in Maine a few years ago, we were in a house right on the coast, with a very gorgeous, rocky shore … Read more