I’ve never made panna cotta before, so thanks Megan at Megan’s Cookin’ for picking this week’s choice!

This was surprisingly easy to make. Essentially you’re just heating up milk and cream and softening the gelatin, then mixing together. It really was amazingly easy. The sauce was simple too. The only tricky part was getting them to come out of the molds, which took a lot of dunking in hot water. But they all did eventually come out and they looked cute.

It tastes kind of like a pudding. I wasn’t a big fan, but I’m not big on plain vanilla things. Mr. MarthaAndMe and Teen Martha really liked this a lot. Dude Martha did not care for it – he doesn’t like gelatin-y things. I would call this a success. Simple, tasty and pretty. Very nice! I can’t wait to hear how others made out with this one.

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I’ve never made panna cotta before, so thanks Megan at Megan’s Cookin’ for picking this week’s choice! This was surprisingly easy to make. Essentially you’re just heating up milk and cream and softening the gelatin, then mixing together. It really was amazingly easy. The sauce was simple too. The only tricky part was getting them … Read more
