ripetomatoaward1-292x300Thank you to Ron S. Doyle for picking MarthaAndMe for a Ripe Tomato Award! How cool is that?  Here is how Ron describes the award:

“Sharing Blog Awards was started by A Traveler’s Library as a way to acknowledge bloggers who have acknowledged your blog and then pay it forward to 15 other bloggers. And the magical number 15 is involved. Don’t ask why it’s magic—asking why is like asking a magician for his secrets—just trust in the mystery, be grateful, and pay it forward.”

I appreciate it very much Ron and I am definitely going to pay it forward. I’m going to award the MarthaAndMe Good Thing Blog Award to my 15 picks for martha awardblogs I love:

Ms. Bookish: Think you read a lot of books? Once you check out this site you’ll feel like a slacker. The sheer number of books that go through Belle Wong’s house is astounding. I like to hear what she’s reading, what she’s writing, and what she’s giving away.

Suddenly Frugal: Leah Ingram’s great blog with more money-saving ideas than you could ever imagine. There’s a book to follow it soon.

The Cookie Blog: A cookie a day keeps the Dr away. At least that’s what this blog’s message might be. Every day there is a new cookie. It’s heaven.

My Baking Addiction: I gain weight just looking at the delicious things on this blog.

La Dolce Vita: Fabulous recipes and gorgeous photos

The Perfect Pantry: Sneak peeks into other people’s pantries (love this!) as well great recipes.

Jeff and Martha: Jeff is cooking his way through Martha Stewart’s Cooking School book in one year.

House Blend: The scoop on Martha’s latest doings as well as recipes and great decorating.

Martha Moments: Scoops about Martha, but also a very thoughtful and beautiful analysis of her magazines, homes, etc.

Make and Takes: Cool craft projects made easy

Cooking with Amy: Great recipes and food writing

The Brown Eyed Baker: This one always makes me hungry with it’s amazing recipes and photos

Geezer Sisters: Ruminations by a woman of a certain age – sometimes funny, sometimes thought-provoking, always worth reading.

J the Travel Authority: She goes to all the places I want to visit. If only she would take me with her!

Martha Stewart Living Radio Blog: Truly awesome blog with great recipes and ideas. It’s beyond a blog – almost a magazine.

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Thank you to Ron S. Doyle for picking MarthaAndMe for a Ripe Tomato Award! How cool is that?  Here is how Ron describes the award: “Sharing Blog Awards was started by A Traveler’s Library as a way to acknowledge bloggers who have acknowledged your blog and then pay it forward to 15 other bloggers. And … Read more
