Down and Dirty with Martha
Posted by in Home and DecoratingOn the March 20 show, Martha demonstrated some ways to use lemon around the house. This also appeared in Apr Living. One of her tips is about using lemon to polish copper. She says to dip half a lemon in coarse salt and then rub your copper with it.
The only copper item I have is a pot with a copper bottom, and to be honest, I never worried about cleaning the copper on it. It’s just the bottom of a pot, so it really wasn’t very high on my to-do list. Martha piqued my curiosity and I decided to see if this would work.
Check out the before and after photos.

You can see that before I had a very dull and dirty pot. Ok, seeing it upside down like this, I will admit it is pretty gross!
Now check out the after. What do you think? It did make a difference, however it did not get it completely clean – and I really

scrubbed the heck out of it. It’s definitely a much brighter color.
Any ideas on how to get it completely clean?
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The hiccup thing didn’t work so well though. My husband’s identical twin had the hiccups Saturday night and I told him to bite into a lemon and suck! It didn’t really help but hey thought it was so funny it could have been his own stupid fault.
So funny! My son likes to suck on lemons!