Hidden Dirt

Posted by Brette in Home and Decorating

Radiator_Before1We recently had some painting done, which meant emptying out a room. We have baseboard forced water heaters in our house and I’ve never paid much attention to them, other than to dust them once in a while. While getting the room ready, we noticed the front of one of these had come loose. My husband removed it and was getting ready to put it back on when I happened to actually look inside. Horrific sight. The coils of the radiator were covered in dog fur (we have two golden retrievers). It never occurred to me that the covers might come off these and there might be nastiness lurking underneath. We vacuumed it out and then went on to do some other rooms. I’m hoping to do a few each weekend.

It’s sort of stunning to think you have a clean house and then discover hidden dirt in a place you never even thought to look! Where have you been horrified to discover dirt in your house?

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2 Responses

  • Under the carpet. If a dog parent has ever pulled carpet up from their house, they would truly be horrified to see what’s lurking on the pad and clear down to the sub floor. It grossed me out so bad that I vowed I would never have another stitch of carpet in my house, ever.

  • Brette says:

    When we moved in we removed the carpet in the upstairs. There was mold growing under it in one big spot – the people before us had an old dog and he had a lot of accidents. We had to scrub it with bleach and leave it overnight before we could put new carpet down. It was truly horrifying.
